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marca FALO


Em 2017, com o fechamento da exposição Queermuseum e as confusões envolvendo homens performers nus, ficou claro que alguma coisa está errada: o nu masculino incomoda. E mais: o PAU incomoda.


Houve pouquíssimas manifestações significativas dentro do mundo da Arte sobre o tema. Um estudo rápido e superficial é capaz de encontrar uma série de coisas relevantes que nunca são ditas, explicadas ou divulgadas.


Então... com toda essa "caça aos bruxos", surge a Falo Magazine. O objetivo é falar sobre a nudez masculina na Arte de forma a encontrar seu espaço, sua forma de expressão e sua naturalidade.

In 2017, here in Brazil, we had major issues around Art: exhibitions were closed and male performers were arrested because they were naked, even when they had an authorization from a museum or cultural center. Art was called pedophile, zoophile and heretic... just because a man was naked.

I saw few significant manifestations pro-Art and decided to study. A quick research made me find a lot of things that aren't said, explained or revealed about male nudity in Arts.

So... after all this "wizard hunt"... I decided to make a move. I created a nonprofit virtual magazine about Male Nudity in Arts, called Falo Magazine, as a space to discussion not only a showcase. First it will be in portuguese, but soon (I hope) it will have its version in english.


Uma revista para ler de rabo a cabo!



Papel bege


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